(meteorobs) a pretty anecdote

Richard Kramer kramer at sria.com
Wed Aug 4 01:31:32 EDT 2004

Strolling with my dog this evening between midnight and 1am (EDT), I was 
watching the sky instead of the ground. Discouraged by the moon and the 
urban light pollution, I was mainly curious to see how many constellations 
I could locate in the poor conditions. As luck would have it, a bright, 
perhaps -3 magnitude, green, 1 second persistent rather thick trail, medium 
fast, 25 degree long likely SDA streaked overhead, not far displaced from 
the meridian. I can't really be sure of the radiant, but whatever its 
origin, it was a very pretty phenomenon. Even the dog seemed to appreciate it.

Maybe I should start training my dog as a guide dog so that during evening 
walks he can watch where I'm going while I watch the skies.


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