(meteorobs) IMO Shower Circ.: Perseids 3rd analysis

RainerArlt rarlt at aip.de
Sun Aug 15 09:47:16 EDT 2004

> > Aug 12.819  19:39   140.354     25    284    100  +-  6
> > Aug 12.749  17:59   140.287      5     90     77  +-  8
> Great! But these time seems to be uncorrect...

Right -- thanks for the note! A wrong date among
the data records had confused the average time given
in the table.

> BTW, have the tradictional and semi-tradictional peak to be 
> observed? It seems there're quite few reports during this time.

Still seems to be a problem. I'd be grateful if
more American data can be gathered. Even if you just 
made a raw count of Perseids and you happen to have
an estimate of the limiting magnitude for sky and eye
quality, please send your numbers in.

Best wishes,

Rainer Arlt  --  Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam -- www.aip.de
Visual Commission - International Meteor Organization -- www.imo.net
rarlt at aip.de --  phone: +49-331-7499-354  --  fax: +49-331-7499-526

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