(meteorobs) obs.period.2004.07.16-18

Mikhail Maslov feraj at mail.ru
Mon Jul 19 11:49:13 EDT 2004

My greetings.
I used chance to observe in the quite good night, although due to high
humidity lm reached only 5.6 m. However, in comparison
with my previuos observations, meteor activity turned to be higher.
During Teff=1.85 hours I saw 8 meteors, among them two
alfa-Cygnids and one probable Northern delta-Aquarid. Velocities were
primarily average and above average. The most
impressive meteor appeared in the latest seconds of observation. It
was bright yellow and quite fast meteor, suitable in
direction and visual features to Northern delta-Aquarids radiant.

Visual Observing Form - Summary Report
Day: 16 Month:07 Year:2004; Begin: 17h 03m; End: 19h 00m
Location: long. 82°55'E; latit. 55°01'N; IMO code:99999
Objective: Overall meteor activity observation
Radiants(height,deg): CAP(22), ACG(76), NDA(21), SDA(8)
Moon: below horizon.
Meteor data:
|time, UT .|...apparent path...|color|mag. |ang.|Show.|Remarks......|
|..........|.RA..|dec|.RA..|dec|.....|.....|sec |.....|.............|
|17:29(0.5)|21:25|+32|21:47|+35|white| 1.5 | 07 | SPO |.............|
|17:36(0.7)|20:56|+62|20:58|+74|white| 0.5 | 20 | ACG |.............|
|17:49(0.5)|19:24|+45|18:52|+41|white| 3.0 | 19 | SPO |.............|
|18:00(1.0)|16:03|+58|16:01|+43|white| 4.5 | 18 | SPO |.............|
|18:04(0.5)|17:50|+31|17:21|+26|white| 4.0 | 23 | ACG |.............|
|18:26(0.3)|19:19|+31|18:54|+31|white| 4.0 | 30 | SPO |.............|
|18:45(0.5)|21:39|+23|21:53|+22|white| 3.0 | 06 | SPO |.............|
|19:00(1.5)|21:45|+53|23:23|+81|yello|-0.5 | 28 | NDA |.............|
| Period......|..Field..|Teff| F | lm |CAP |ACG |NDA |SDA |SPO |
|..(UT).......| RA..|Dec|..h |...| m..|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|
| 17:03-19:00 |19:44|+41|1.83|1.0| 5.6|p| 0|p| 2|p| 1|p| 0|p| 5|
|Shower| -5 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 |. 0 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 |
| CAP..|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|
| ACG..|....|....|....|....|....| 0.5| 0.5|....|....| 1.0|....|
| NDA..|....|....|....|....| 0.5| 0.5|....|....|....|....|....|
| SDA..|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|
| SPO..|....|....|....|....|....|....| 0.5| 0.5| 2.0| 1.5| 0.5|

The second observation was related to alfa-Cygnids maximum. Conditions
were in general worse than on July 16. Shortly after
beginning clouds appeared, although in moderate amounts leaving enough
free sky to observe. Also lm began decreasing. The
first meteor was an excellent bolid of -4 mag which had deep-red color
and left a train for 2 seconds. In a whole meteor
activity was considerably higher than usual. The most important event
was its dramatic increase diring 18:07-18:18 UT, when I
saw a meteor after each 2-3 minutes. I have to add, that observing
conditions had substantially become worse by this time.
After this inscrease clouds became larger and meteor amounts had
fallen down. At 19:10 the sky was finally closed so I
finished observation.

Visual Observing Form - Summary Report
Day: 18 Month:07 Year:2004; Begin: 17h 00m; End: 19h 10m
Location: long. 82°55'E; latit. 55°01'N; IMO code:99999
Objective: Alfa-Cygnids activity observation
Radiants(height,deg): CAP(23), ACG(79), NDA(23), SDA(11), PER(44)
Moon: below horizon.
Meteor data:
|time, UT .|...apparent path...|color|mag. |ang.|Show.|Remarks......|
|..........|.RA..|dec|.RA..|dec|.....|.....|sec |.....|.............|
|17:28(2.5)|22:24|+12|20:57|+22| red |-4.0 | 36 | SPO |train 2 sec. |
|17:37(1.5)|19:59|+16|20:18|+06|white| 1.5 | 10 | ACG |.............|
|17:53(0.5)|20:57|+30|20:51|+18|white| 4.0 | 37 | SPO |.............|
|17:56(0.5)|19:37|+31|19:17|+34|white| 3.5 | 14 | SPO |.............|
|18:07(0.7)|00:04|+75|00:48|+55|white| 3.5 | 21 | SPO |.............|
|18:10(0.7)|20:31|+30|21:05|+31|white| 1.0 | 07 | ACG |.............|
|18:14(1.0)|18:00|+19|17:18|+13|white| 2.5 | 26 | ACG |.............|
|18:16(1.0)|21:12|+58|22:05|+62|white| 0.0 | 07 | ACG |stationary ..|
|18:18(1.0)|19:50|+32|19:50|+32|white| 2.0 | 00 | ACG |.............|
|18:34(1.0)|19:22|+39|19:15|+52|white| 3.0 | 21 | ACG?|.............|
|19:05(1.0)|00:26|+64|01:41|+72|white| 3.0 | 20 | SPO |.............|
|19:08(1.0)|23:11|+55|21:51|+53|white| 2.5 | 26 | PER |.............|
| Period......|..Field..|Teff| F | lm |CAP |ACG |NDA |SDA |PER |SPO |
|..(UT).......| RA..|Dec|..h |...| m..|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|
| 17:00-19:10 |19:09|+24|1.98|.*.|..*.|p| 0|p| 6|p| 0|p| 0|p| 1|p| 5|
|Shower| -5 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 |. 0 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 |
| CAP..|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|
| ACG..|....|....|....|....|....| 1.0| 1.5| 2.0| 1.5|....|....|
| NDA..|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|
| SDA..|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|
| PER..|....|....|....|....|....|....|....| 0.5| 0.5|....|....|
| SPO..|....| 1.0|....|....|....|....|....|....| 2.0| 2.0|....|
*17:00-17:40 F=1, lm=5.5,
17:40-18:23 F=1.25, lm=5.4,
18:23-18:42 F=2, lm=5.2,
18:42-19:10 F=2, lm=5.0.

Mikhail Maslov

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