(meteorobs) Re: [IMO-News] June Bootids - Call for observations

Richard Kramer kramer at sria.com
Wed Jun 23 14:00:43 EDT 2004

At 02:00 PM 6/23/04 +0100, you wrote:
>Hallo Herr Arlt,
>heute Nacht (23.6.04) beobachteten mein Kollege Erich Müller und ich
>vom Südrand Darmstadts aus zwischen 1.30 und 2.30 MESZ den in
>Richtung Bootiden-Radiant gelegenen Himmelsbereich (2/8 - 3/8 Ci,
>Grenzgröße +4.8 mag). Es traten in diesem Zeitraum einige schnelle
>bis mittelschnelle sporadische Meteore der Helligkeit +2 bis +4 mag
>auf, auffallend langsame Objekte aus Richtung des Radianten konnten
>nicht beobachtet werden. Gegen 2.30 MESZ zog der Himmel von Westen
>her rasch zu.
>Grüße aus Darmstadt,
>Gunnar Glitscher
>Arbeitsgemeinschaft Astronomie u. Weltraumtechnik Darmstadt e. V.

I would translate the above as follows...

Dear Mr. Arlt,

Tonight (23.6.04) my colleague Erich Mueller and I observed from the 
southern outskirts of Darmstadt between 1:30 and 2:30 MESZ [ed. note, 
apparently MESZ would mean Middle Europe Summer Time] in the direction of 
the Bootid radiant. Sky conditions [LM] were approximately 2.8 to 3.8 with 
a maximum of +4.8 magnitude. During this time several fast to medium fast 
sporadic meteors appeared with magnitudes between +2 and +4. Slow objects 
from the direction of the radiant were not observed. Towards 2:30 MESZ the 
sky closed in solidly from the west.

Greetings from Darmstadt
Bunnar Glitscher
Aatronomy and Space Technology Project Team e. V.

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