(meteorobs) Observation (28-)29/05/2004

Daniel Gruen daniel_gruen at web.de
Sat May 29 06:57:52 EDT 2004


I went out again last night and I'm glad I did so, given the fact that 
sporadic activity was nice and in addition the antihelion source and 
even the Omega Scorpiids showed some activity - the latter quite a 
bright and slow thus nice meteor.



Day:29  Month:05  Year:2004
Begin:  0h09m   End:  1h24m

Location  long. E9d26'25"  latit. N48d51'57"

Site: Winnenden-Birkmannsweiler, near Stuttgart
Country: Germany

Observer: Daniel GRUEN   IMO code: GRUDA
Any questions? Mail me (daniel_gruen at web.de)

| Shw.|alpha|delta|veloc.|a.h|HR |eZHR|
| OSC | 236d| -20d|21km/s|16d|0.9|10.6|
| SAG | 263d| -23d|sl-med|18d|1.8|19.0|
| SPO | --- | --- | ---- | - |6.2| -- |
these figures are taken from the current
AMS Meteor Activity Outlook by Robert Lunsford
* average radiant height (est.)
~ estimated with r=3.0, deltalm=0.0 and est. radiant height

| Period....|Field....|Teff|.F..|.lm.|OSC|SAG|SPO|SPO|
* These are the meteors I couldn't plot.

Magnitude Distribution:
|Shower.| -3| -2| -1|+-0| +1| +2| +3| +4| +5|avg.| tot|
| OSC. .| - |1.0| - | - | - | - | - | - | - |-2.0| 01 |
| SAG. .| - | - |1.0| - | - | - |0.5|0.5| - |1.25| 02 |
| SPO. .| - | - | - |1.0|1.0| - |3.5|1.5| - |2.50| 07 |

Train Distribution:
|OSC |--|--|--|--| 1| 0| 0| 1 |
|SAG |--|--|--|--|--|--| 2| 2 |
|SPO |--|--|--|--|--|--| 7| 7 |
 * these trains persisted only for a few tenth of a second

Meteor Data:
(caution: I changed the order of the coordinates from
XBeg-YBeg-XEnd-YEnd to XBeg-XEnd-YBeg-YEnd)
|No| Time| Mag|Vel|Shw|Train|XBeg|XEnd|YBeg|YEnd|Map|Acc|
|30|00:17| 0.0| 5 |SPO| --- | 176| 200| 123| 189| 3 | 2 |
|31|00:34| 3.5|3-4|SAG| --- | 157| 152| 229| 250| 3 | 3 |~
|32|00:45| 3.5|2-3|SPO| --- | -- | -- | -- | -- | - | - |*
|33|00:48| 3.5| 3 |SPO| --- | 076| 049| 190| 165| 3 | 2 |
|34|00:52| 3.0|3-4|SPO| --- | 043| 028| 192| 156| 9 | 2 |
|35|00:58|-2.0| 2 |OSC| 1.0s| 191| 149| 199| 271| 3 | 1 |#
|36|01:01|-1.0| 2 |SAG| --- | 180| 229| 275| 267| 2 | 2 |~
|37|01:04| 1.0| 3 |SPO| --- | -- | -- | -- | -- | - | - |+
|38|01:07| 3.0| 3 |SPO| --- | 138| 143| 116| 133| 3 | 2 |
|39|01:17| 3.5|4-5|SPO| --- | 106| 133| 167| 220| 3 | 1 |
enumeration starts in the 02/01/2004 session
all coordinates in mm from the lower left corner of the map
velocity scale:
1 - very slow; 2 - slow; 3 - medium; 4 - fast; 5 - very fast

* down to the horizon from below the right wing of Cygnus -
  unfortunately I missed the appropiate Brno map
+ somewhere below Delphinus (map was also missing)
~ not entirely sure with the shower association
# fits the OSC radiant exactly, the velocity is also right;
  actually, a really nice meteor, slow enough to turn my head
  and watch the decay of the persistent train

Comments: What makes observations in May nights wonderful
is for instance the summer triangle you can already see high
in the sky after local midnight - as if summer would already
be here (it were so, if only it wasn't so cold still).
The antihelion source(s) seemed to be active and a bright
Omega Scorpid was to be seen. I'm looking forward for enhanced
June Bootid activity next month.

Please note: d = degrees, all times in UT

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