(meteorobs) Fuel dump clouds

Bruce McCurdy bmccurdy at telusplanet.net
Thu Sep 2 01:10:35 EDT 2004

> I must take issue with Bruce about a couple of points here.
> There has never been a satellite launch from White Sands test range in New
> However the US satellites in Molniya type orbits could easily be
controlled there,
> like the TDRS satellites which are known to be controlled there.
> Some have been launched from Cape Canaveral up the eastern seabord of US,
like this
> launch. This was shown on a map at the launching companies website. Other
launches have used
> the Vandenburg AFB in California.

    Must be my mistake. I seem to recall the guy who checked it out saying
White Sands, but I may have misunderstood or misremembered. I guess it must
have been Vandenburg, or it wouldn't have been visible in western Canada.

    regards, Bruce

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