(meteorobs) Australia fireball

Marco Langbroek marco.langbroek at wanadoo.nl
Sat Apr 2 05:06:16 EST 2005


"Stargazers attempt to identify UFO
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
April 2, 2005

The Perth Observatory is attempting to figure out if an unidentified
object seen in the skies of Western Australian and the Northern
Territory earlier tonight, was space junk or a large meteorite."

It is unfortunate that the news report does not mention a time; but it is
very likely that this fireball was the decay of a Soyuz SL-12 Rocket
booster, 2005-010 (NORAD 28630). Time and location for the decay of this
object are consistent, as is the groundtrack for this piece of rocket debris

- Marco

Dr Marco Langbroek
Dutch Meteor Society (DMS)
meteorites at dmsweb.org


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