(meteorobs) obs.period 2005.04.22-24

Mikhail Maslov ast0 at mail.ru
Fri Apr 29 09:05:10 EDT 2005


An observation on 24 April. Unfortunately, as the previous year I
couldn't observe the Lyrids max. At these days we had very warm
up to +25C and even with a thunderstorm in the evening. At night
clouds were virtually absent, but the strong haze and the full
Moon decreased lm to 3.5 mag. By 24 April the haze had almost
competely vanished and under the full Moon my lm reached 5.0 mag.
During one observing hour I saw four sporadic meteors, then a layer of
clouds closed the sky and I finished the observation.

Visual Observing Form - Summary Report
Day: 24 Month:4 Year:2005; Begin: 17h 28m; End: 18h 28m
Location: long. 82°57'E; latit. 54°57'N; IMO code:99999

|. Period, UT |... Moon ...|Radiants altitude
| 17:28-18:28 | 1.00|. 18 .| 13| 39|
Air temperature: begin +4°C, end +4°C

Meteor data:
|time, UT .|...apparent path...|color|mag. |ang.|Show.|Remarks......|
|..........|.RA..|dec|.RA..|dec|.....|.....|sec |.....|.............|
|17:32(0.5)|11:37|+62|12:11|+60|white| 4.0 | 06 | SPO |.............|
|17:34(0.3)|14:07|+78|12:20|+76|white| 4.5 | 22 | SPO |.............|
|17:47(0.3)|15:13|+80|14:35|+75|white| 4.5 | 16 | SPO |.............|
|17:53(1.0)|20:46|+69|21:51|+76|white| 3.0 | 11 | SPO |.............|

| Period......|..Field..|Teff| F | lm |SAG |LYR |SPO |
|..(UT).......| RA..|Dec|..h |...| m..|M| N|M| N|M| N|
| 17:28-18:28 |14:47|+42|0.97|1.0| 5.0|p| 0|p| 0|p| 4|
| Total ..... |-----|---|0.97|1.0| 5.0|p| 0|p| 0|p| 4|

|Shower| -5 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 |. 0 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 |
| SAG..|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|
| VIR..|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|
| SPO..|....|....|....|....|....|....|....|....| 1.0| 2.0| 1.0|

Best regards, Mikhail Maslov

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