(meteorobs) Dust trail of 45P (on Aug.12)

Mikiya Sato mail at kaicho.net
Tue Aug 2 05:57:27 EDT 2005

Hello all,

I am Mikiya Sato.
I calculated a trail of 45P /Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova in 2005.
The trail from 1959 will approach to the earth orbit this year.
First, Sergey Shanov calculated this information and he informed me.
I calculated more in detail. Please refer to the following page;



Trail from 1959 in 2005
Time       (UT)   Sol.Long R(AU)  E.V.(m/s)fM     Alp.   Del   V(km/s)
Aug.10.39 09:16   137.774 +0.037  -9.1008 0.027  325.04 -11.10 25.77  D.Node
Aug.12.65 15:36*1 139.938  0.0017 -9.1040 0.026  325.02 -11.11 25.84  Min.

*1: The time contains the error margin of a few minutes.

A minimum distance point is not at Descending Node because of small 
inclination (about 2.6 deg.).
The appearance level of meteor is uncertain, but the level is not 
so large (as meteor storm). However, I think that the meteor is 
appearable from this condition.

Sergey showed that next approach will be in 2015 (dust from 1969).
I want also to calculate the trail on the year in the near future.

Mikiya Sato

Post Script;
My page of 2005 Perseids was also opened. 
But I do not have a new information.


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