(meteorobs) Five fireballs over Europe this weekend

Karl Antier kantier at wanadoo.fr
Tue Feb 8 04:49:34 EST 2005

Hello to all meteor observers !

> 1, 2 and 3 were reported on the DMS and VVS mailinglists and are 
> summarized (in French) here: 
> http://users.skynet.be/meteorite.be/bolide04fevrier2005.htm

On this website, it's written : "According to the observed brightness and color, it's a meteoritical rocky body ( probably chondrite )". I was thus wondering if we could determine the type of the object at the origin of the meteor just by analysing its brightness and color. I can understand that those parameters help to make the difference between a reentry and a meteor, but are they also useful to guess what type of meteoroid was at the origin of the meteor ? I thought that the colors of meteors hadn't yet found a clear explanation...
Can someone explain me ?

Thanks in advance !

Clear skies to all !

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