(meteorobs) Re: 2012 Draconids (about fM)

Mikiya Sato mail at kaicho.net
Thu Jan 27 13:43:42 EST 2005

Hello Mikhail, and all,

I understood your opinion!
Your insistence is very correct.

But, I thought that fM is an originally vague value.
I recognized that fM is 1 after 1-revolution.
When the comet is different, the meteor activity cannot be 
shown if the fM value is same.
(Though I cannot express well by English, sorry.)

(However, if the trail is different about the same comet, the fM 
 value is also diffrent,... its thing seems wrong such that you say.
 My fM value may be wrong from the first definition.
 Please give me thinking time, a little more.)

I think that your fM is more standard factor.
I should apologize for no recognition if already defined somewhere.
I think that you should define it if not defined.
(For example, "sfM" ; standard fM)

Anyway, I seem to have confused here. I am very sorry.     m(..)m

Best wishes,

Mikiya Sato

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