(meteorobs) Handbook for Visual Meteor Observers

RainerArlt rarlt at aip.de
Tue Mar 22 04:28:53 EST 2005

Fellow meteor enthusiasts,

As regards the IMO Handbook for Visual Observers,
it is indeed sold out for a while already. More-
over, the shower information has become outdated
particularly for the variable showers as the
Leonids, Draconids, June Bootids.

If Masahiro Koseki has a scanned version of the 
book, we can try to produce a PDF version of the
book for download. The observation giude may
still be useful. I am trying the relocate the

Producing an updated version...well, that's a
tremendous work. Nevertheless, now as the Leonid
epoch is more or less over, it should be worth 
tackling an update.

Best wishes,

Rainer Arlt  --  Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam -- www.aip.de
Visual Commission - International Meteor Organization -- www.imo.net
rarlt at aip.de --  phone: +49-331-7499-354  --  fax: +49-331-7499-526

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