(meteorobs) Call for observations - 05/06 June, or 12/13 June? (was Re: P/2005 JQ5 (Catalina))

RainerArlt rarlt at aip.de
Wed May 18 13:21:03 EDT 2005

Hi Lew and all,

> Mikhail, I was not certain from the text of your message below... Would you
> expect maximum activity (if any) from this comet's meteoroid stream on 12-13
> June of this year? Or would expect this maximum activity 7 or so days before
> then, when Earth passes the point of closest approach - so 05-06 June 2005?

> > JQ5 (Catalina). Its orbit seems to be quite interesting because it
> > lies close to the Earth's one. In 2005 apparition ascending node of
> > the comet is at 0.090 AU inside the Earth's orbit. The Earth passes
> > closest to it on 01.07.2005. But orbital inclination of the comet
> > is low - only 5.679 deg. So the minimal distance between two orbits
> > is almost 4 times lower (0.024 AU) and corresponds to 12-13.06.2005. In

I think he meant that the Earth is closest to the node on July 1,
and closest to the orbit in general on June 12-13. Are these dates
incorrect? If not it's June 12-13 we may expect something.

Best wishes,

Rainer Arlt  --  Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam -- www.aip.de
Visual Commission - International Meteor Organization -- www.imo.net
rarlt at aip.de --  phone: +49-331-7499-354  --  fax: +49-331-7499-526

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