(meteorobs) Flashbulb KCGs

Malcolm J. Currie mjc at star.rl.ac.uk
Wed Aug 15 18:27:43 EDT 2007

Yes I saw a flashbulb KCG from the same county Leo on August 12 23:33.2
at about -6 heading south through Aquarius.

Also while I was changing tapes on the video camera there was a
brilliant flash that illuminated the sky, but I didn't see the fireball.
It could have been like the -10 Perseid on the maximum night in 1983 or
another KCG, or just sporadic.  This was approximately at 00:47 just as
band of cloud (as seen in Leo's final picture) passed through.  Did any
one in southern England see a fireball at that time?

A couple of the more memorable meteors on August 12/13 were slow moving,
long pathed sporadics, one with multiple peaks of brightness and sparkly

Many friends and colleagues have asked about the shower and even went
out to look.  It's been on the radio and TV too.  Somebody has been
doing a good publicity drive, but apart from the absence of moonlight, I
thought this was going to be a fairly routine Perseid peak.

Malcolm Currie

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