(meteorobs) 2008 Quadrantids

meteors at comcast.net meteors at comcast.net
Sun Dec 30 19:08:13 EST 2007

With the moon not rising till late in the morning, I urge observers to
take a stab at catching the Quadrantids lighting up the sky. According
to the 2008 Shower Calendar published by the International Meteor
Organization, the Quads are active from January 1st to the 5th and are
expected to peak on January 4th at about 0640 hours Universal Time. This
favors the east coast of the U.S., and with peak rates possibly over 100
per hour, is not something to miss! I have been trying to catch this
shower’s peak since 1988 and have never been successful – due both to a
short period of peak activity and poor weather in early January. So if
you are one of the fortunate ones with clear skies this coming week,
don’t miss a chance at the Quadrantids!

More information on this shower can be found at the following websites:



Information about an interesting observing campaign can be found here:


Observing instructions, forms, electronic templates, maps, charts, etc.
can be found at


or by emailing me at one of the addresses below.

Clear skies!!

Mark Davis, South Carolina, USA
meteors at comcast.net
namn at namnmeteors.org

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