(meteorobs) Info on Fireball electriks & Fair Weather Charge.

stange34 at sbcglobal.net stange34 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 18 16:29:30 EST 2007

In Reponse to e-mail questions regarding sources of research material for this new exploration, let me say at this point nothing has yet been formally presented to confirm or corrobrate the hypothesis of meteor interraction with the Global Fair Weather Field or of any pertebrations in that field locally by a Fireball causing elelectrophonics. It is only a hypothesis.

Initial information was given me by R.Spalding (Sandia Labs), during an e-mail exchange wherein I had asked his opinion regarding electrophonics. He suggested an alternative solution might be that tail plasma Ions may be causing pertebrations in the electric field or magnetic field locally. From his interesting & exciting viewpoint this work was started at my location. It is unbroken ground open to all manner of ideas.

My references(in part) for sensing equipment "starting" designs are:
with further links at bottom.

Global search(in part) for Fair Weather Field Info:
much more on this subject can be found.

Possible software which could be used is found at:

add the http & www stuff to the URL's.  

LarryStange, Yuba City.

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