(meteorobs) mount kenya meteor sighting 1992

Huibert van Deursen hvandeursen at wanadoo.nl
Fri Mar 23 21:32:33 EDT 2007

Dear Sirs,

In december 1992, round the Christmas period, I was attempting a climb of the Mt. Kenya. After being struck by severe mountain sickness, I descended in the middle of the night from 4200 metres above sea level to lower altitudes. During this descend I saw a fireball with a very long firy tail to its left travelling slowly through the sky from my left to my right (sorry, don't remember where i was looking). Although I felt extremely miserable I enjoyed the spectacle, which lasted for about 20-30 seconds, thoroughly. It definitely made up for the disappointment of my failed climb. To this day I'm puzzled by what I saw. I seem to remember (either from reading it at the time or reading it later somewhere else) that it was reported as an airplane crash. I'm fully convinced that what I saw was not a result of my unpleasant state, nor an airplane crash but a a real meteor/meteorite.

I would like to know if you know more about this event.

kind regards,
Huibert van Deursen

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