(meteorobs) Have You Seen a Megacryometeor Lately?

Wayne Watson sierra_mtnview at sbcglobal.net
Sat Dec 13 09:49:11 EST 2008

It might be good if you haven't. They could be dangerous to your body. 
See page 59 of the January issue of Discover magazine. Megacryometeors, 
made of ice. 20 pounders and probably larger form in the earth's 
atmosphere. More than 50 have been reported in the past 7 years. Global 
warming is suspect in their production.

           Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)

             (121.01 Deg. W, 39.26 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
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          who say I don't think we should have nuclear, we should 
          have solar. The fact is that we should go in all of these
          directions, or we are not going to solve the [energy] 
          problem." -- Dr. Richard Muller, UC Berkeley, physicist

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