(meteorobs) HALWA at NJAA Nov 2, 2008

meteoreye at comcast.net meteoreye at comcast.net
Mon Nov 3 15:07:30 EST 2008

Went out a bit early this night to get good radiant elevation of Andromedids, good thing I did as cirrus were a session ender about 2:30 AM EST. Power was out at the NJAA, but a power company truck came to investigate (5 days after the snowstorm) about midnight EDT. I was on the other side of the parking lot so ignored them. This was the EDT -> EST transition morning, fortunately my talking watch is always set to UT, so it didn't affect me at all.

Working List showers counted, sporadics plotted. Alignment cord used for shower associations.
Invisible cirrus reduced LM early, mid level cloud break 0437-0518. 
Encroaching Cirrus ended session, last few minutes they reduced LM, which is
accounted for in final hour LM estimate.
14 jets, no satellites, Geosync flare not seen.
First Orionid was a 50 degree long earth grazer, with radiant at 10 degrees elevation.

Observations at NJAA Observatory, Voorhees State Park.

UT Date Nov 2, 2008

IMO Working list
ORI 103 +17
STA 051 +14
NTA 050 +21
Other showers
AND 023 +28 v19
ICA  145 +29 v67 (None seen, omitted from summary)

F=1.00 throughout. Orionids not counted during first period; radiant below Horizon at start.

UT Time     Teff     LM   ORI STA NTA AND SPO  TOT  Met/Hr
0200-0253 0.853 +5.53    /      2      0       0       3        5       5.9
0253-0345 0.858 +5.63   1      1      3       0       1        6       7.0
0345-0437 0.850 +5.57   1      1      1       2       0        5       5.9
0518-0621 1.005 +5.70   0      4      1       0       3        8       8.0
0621-0724 1.007 +5.60   0      1      2       0       3        6       6.0
0200-0724 4.573  +5.62   2      9      7      2      10       30      6.6

Totals 30 Meteors (6.6/Hr) Avg Mag +2.52

2   ORI (0.5/ observed Hr) Avg Mag +2.25
9   STA  (2.0/Hr) Avg Mag +2.33, brightest -1
7   NTA (1.5/Hr) Avg Mag +2.93, brightest +0.5
2   AND (0.4/Hr) Avg Mag +1.75, brightest +1
10  SPO (2.2/Hr) Avg Mag +2.60, brightest 0

BTW, with the current weather outlook, this may be my last Orionids of the year, we'll see.
So far 200 Orionids in 36.29 Hours Teff.


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