(meteorobs) Radio meteors

Michael Boschat aa063 at chebucto.ns.ca
Sat Jun 13 06:27:45 EDT 2009

Morning or eveing all :

  Just setup my antenna to see what ii will pick up, so far
I am still hearing meteors :) No major showers till about
months end, daylight Taurids and Bootids. I guess my system
will still work on 83.24 Mhz till 2011, most likely will get
reflections from our Canadian stations.

  I don't believe what is in our Observer's Handbook under the meteor
detection by radio were it says you can heard meteors with a car radio
in the city!!! I'm using a big filter which looks like an old fire 
estingusher to eliminate any FM radio noise and other noise that
interfers in my CH.6 TV monitoring. Yep, I use teh minus off-set frequency
of Ch.6.

Clear skies
Michael Boschat
Halifax Center - Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
Astronomy page:  http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~aa063

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