(meteorobs) Meteor Observation 13/11/2009

Daniel Grün daniel_gruen at web.de
Thu Nov 19 16:51:20 EST 2009


the weekend before the predicted maximum skies were fairly clear from my 
observing site near Stuttgart ... so I went out to observe, which was 
certainly worthwile even though only one Leonid showed up (as one would 
expect due to the rather low radiant). See the attached report (which has 
also been submitted to IMO via the web form).
I would be very interested in hearing some expert opinions on how well the 
preliminary results fit with the various predictions!

Anyhow, clear skies to all



Day: 13      Month: 11    Year: 2009
Begin:23:00 UT          End:23:54
Location  long. E9d26'25"  latit. N48d51'57"

Site: Winnenden-Birkmannsweiler, near Stuttgart
Country: Germany

Observer: Daniel GRUEN   IMO code: GRUDA
Any questions? Mail me (daniel_gruen at web.de)

| Shw.|alpha|delta|veloc.|
| AND | 023d| +33d|19km/s|
| OER | 060d| -02d|27km/s|
| NTA | 061d| +23d|29km/s|
| STA | 062d| +15d|29km/s|
| NOO | 083d| +16d|44km/s|
| AMO | 112d| +02d|65km/s|
| LEO | 152d| +23d|70km/s|
| SPO | --- | --- | ---- |
these figures are taken from the current
AMS Meteor Activity Outlook by Robert Lunsford
* average radiant height (est.)
+ Antihelion source for not shower-attributed antihelion meteors

| Period    |Field    |Teff| F  | lm |LEO|NTA|STA|SPO|
|  (UT)     |RA   Dec |  h |    | m  |M|N|M|N|M|N|M|N|

Magnitude Distribution:
|Shower | -4| -3| -2| -1|+-0| +1| +2| +3| +4| +5|avg.| tot|
| LEO   | - | - | - | - | - | - |1.0| - | - | - |2.00|   1|
| NTA   | - | - | - | - | - |1.0| - | - | - | - |1.00|   1|
| STA   | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |1.0| - |4.00|   1|
| SPO   | - | - | - | - | - |1.0|1.0|2.5|0.5| - |1.90|   5|

Train Distribution:
|dur.| 5s| 4s| 3s| 2s| 1s| <*| no|tot|
|LEO | - | - |1.0| - | - | - | - |  1|
|NTA | - | - | - | - | - | - |1.0|  1|
|STA | - | - | - | - | - | - |1.0|  1|
|SPO | - | - | - |1.0| - |1.0|3.0|  5|
* these trains persisted only for a few tenth of a second

Meteor Data:
| No| Time| Mag|Vel|Shw|Train|XBeg|YBeg|XEnd|YEnd|Map|Acc|
| 01|23:07| 3.0|4.0|SPO| --- | 052| 244| 051| 204| 4 | 2 |
| 02|23:09| 2.5|1.5|SPO| <1s | 140| 222| 123| 232| 4 | 2 |*
| 03|23:12| 2.5|2.0|SPO| --- | 104| 250| 136| 229| 7 | 3 |
| 04|23:17| 2.0|2.5|LEO| 3.0s| 219| 119| 301| 208| 2 | 2 |+
| 05|23:21| 1.0|2.0|NTA| --- | 194| 266| 180| 274| 4 | 3 |
| 06|23:26| 4.0|2.0|STA| --- | 083| 231| 043| 237| 4 | 2 |
| 07|23:48| 1.0|2.0|SPO| 2.0s| 070| 206| 080| 208| 4 | 2 |
| 08|23:49| 3.5|5.0|SPO| --- | 131| 276| 201| 317| 4 | 2 |
enumeration starts in the 13/11/2009 session
all coordinates in mm from the lower left corner of the map
velocity scale:
1 - very slow; 2 - slow; 3 - medium; 4 - fast; 5 - very fast
* this slow and rather short meteor aligns well with both the 
  NOO radiant (to which it was closer) and the OER radiant
  (for which at the larger distance the slow speed still fits)
+ this meteor count was supported by and is dedicated to
  A. Silva

Quite nice activity in this fairly mild November night. 
Apart from the spurious Sporadic at 23:09, which might be
from either of two rare showers, the earth-grazing Leonid
at 23:17 was a real highlight. Clear skies to all planning
to observe the predicted maxima this year.

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