(meteorobs) Space Geographic 1.2

Space Geographic spacegeographic at gmx.com
Mon Dec 20 19:27:53 EST 2010

A note to astronomers and stargazers - this month Space Geographic 1.2 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004GNFLSI  features earth observing missions. The two top stories compiled in Space Geographic http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004GNFLSI  include "How hard are we pushing the Earth", (Marc Imhoff's research group's work on net primary production at Goddard) and the Earth Observatory's Holli Rebeek writes about ten years of innovation at EO-1.

 As well, NASA's science writing team profiles a name which may be familiar to some, Malcolm Hartley, a jack of all trades at Siding Spring Observatory's UK Schmidt telescope in New South Wales, Australia.

 The Eds.

Space Geographic 1.2  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004GNFLSI 
 (for Kindle)

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