(meteorobs) chi-Capricornids predictions for 2010, 2011 and 2012

Roberto G. md6648 at mclink.it
Thu Feb 18 06:23:37 EST 2010

From: "Mikhail Maslov" <ast3 at ngs.ru>

> Hi, Roberto,
> RG> in the url there is a final point that must delete.
> That's right. Thank you for your notice.
> RG> Why you name this meteor shower chi-Kapricornids? They are
> RG> Alfa Capricornids or not?
> RG> http://www.ta3.sk/caosp/Eedition/FullTexts/vol35no3/pp163-179.pdf
> Hmm. I know this shower as chi-Capricornids (or 45P-ids :), it's
> shorter): http://meteorshowersonline.com/showers/chi_capricornids.html
> Possible parent body of alpha-Capricornids is 169P\NEAT:
> http://www.astronomia.org/shower?la=en&s=CAP

Why 169P? its Moid it's 0.14 U.A.


Best greetings.
Roberto Gorelli

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