(meteorobs) Visual Observations from SoCal Aug 6, 2011

Robert Lunsford lunro.imo.usa at cox.net
Sat Aug 6 21:16:02 EDT 2011

After being spoiled by mild temperatures during my last viewing session from the local mountains, I headed up last night wearing 
shorts and flop-flops. Much to my surprise I was greeted by temperatures in the mid 50's  and a slight breeze to make it seem even 
cooler. Luckily I had extra clothes in truck so I was able to remain comfortable during the night. I spent the first few hours 
viewing deep sky objects in my scope including an impressive comet C/2009 P1 Garradd. At 2am I packed the scope up and watched 
meteor activity for the next three hours. I decided to face eastward so that I could keep an eye on both the Perseids and the 
southern radiants. The sky in the eastern half of the sky was very impressive with an limiting magnitude just shy of +7.00. Messier 
33 in Triangulum was an easy object to the naked eye.

The meteor activity seemed good while viewing through the scope but decided to hide when I began serious observations. There were 
long gaps of inactivity despite the excellent skies. No Antihelion, Kappa Cygnids,  or Piscis Austrinids were noticed. Two obvious 
long Eridanids were seen shooting upwards from low in the eastern sky. Counts from both the Perseids and Delta Aquariids were 
disappointing. Even the sporadic counts were less than expected. This does not bode well for next week's Perseid maximum when the 
full moon will overwhelm most meteor activity. I will give it a try anyway...

Video observations were obtained from home where the camera ran all night long. I would have been limited to only three hours away 
from home due to lack of battery power.

Observer: Robert Lunsford (LUNRO)
Date: 11-Aug 06 Mean Solar Long: 133.470
Beginning Time (UT) 0900 Ending Time (UT) 1200
Total TeFF: 3.00

LOCATION: Pine Valley Viewpoint, CA, USA
LONG: 116 29' 47" W LAT: 32 49' 39" N
Elevation: 1300 m Bortle Scale: Class 3: Rural Sky
Beginning Temperature/Relative Humidity: 56F-33%
Ending Temperature/Relative Humidity: 58F-32%
METHOD: Visual Recording on Tape
Showers Observed

CAP  20:24 (306) -10     01-00-00     01 Total
ERI   02:52 (043) -12     01-01-00     02 Total
PER  02:04 (031) +55     03-04-02     09 Total
SDA  22:48 (342) -16     02-00-02     04 Total
SPO                                09-07-11     27 Total
Total Hourly Counts      16-12-15     43 Total
Period 1   0900-1000 UT
F = 1.00 (0% Clouds)   Mean LM 6.85
FOV 000 +30   TOTAL TeFF: 1.00
Mean Solar Long: 133.430

Meteor Data:
CAP 1, ERI 1, PER 3, SDA 2, SPO 9  TOTAL 16

Magnitude Distribution
CAP  +4 (1) Mean +4.00
ERI   +4 (1) Mean +4.00
PER  +1 (2) +3 (1) Mean +1.67
SDA +2 (1) +4 (2) Mean + 3.00
SPO  0 (1) +1 (1) +3 (2) +4 (3) +5 (2)  Mean + 3.22
Period 2   1000-1100 UT
F = 1.00 (0% Clouds)   Mean LM 6.93
FOV 015 +30   TOTAL   TeFF: 1.00
Mean Solar Long: 133.470

Meteor Data:
ERI 1, PER 4, SPO 7  TOTAL 12

Magnitude Distribution
ERI   +4 (1) Mean +4.00
PER  +1 (2) +2 (1) +3 (1) +4 (1)  Mean +2.50
SPO  -2 (1) +2 (3) +3 (2) +4 (1)  Mean + 2.00
Period 3   1100-1200 UT
F = 1.00 (0% Clouds)   Mean LM 6.77
FOV 030 +30   TOTAL TeFF: 1.00
Mean Solar Long: 133.510

Meteor Data:
PER 2, SDA 2, SPO 11  TOTAL 15

Magnitude Distribution
PER  +2 (2) Mean +2.00
SDA  +3 (2) Mean +3.00
SPO  +1 (2) +2 (1) +3 (4) +4 (3) +5 (1)  Mean +3.00
Total Magnitude Distribution
CAP +4 (1)  Mean +4.00
ERI  +4 (2)  Mean +4.00
PER +1 (3) +2 (3) +3 (2) +4 (1)  Mean +2.11
SDA +2 (1) +3 (2) +4 (1) Mean + 3.00
SPO -2 (1) 0 (1) +1 (3) +2 (4) +3 (8) +4 (7) +5 (3)  Mean +2.81 

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