(meteorobs) videoobservations 20110701-20110701

Mikhail Maslov ast3 at ngs.ru
Wed Jul 20 23:47:37 EDT 2011

Hello, Kim,

My camera is covering the near-zenith area of the sky, with FOV
dimensions of 69°x89°. The center of FOV has DEC=~57°. Have I answered
your question?

Best regards, Mikhail

kh> On 07/18/2011 3:08 AM, Mikhail Maslov wrote:

kh> Hi Mikhail

kh> Just checked out the video on Ytube, excellent. I am just wondering if 
kh> there is some way of putting a marker or note on what area of the
kh> sky the camera was pointed at to see the meteors?

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