(meteorobs) Meteor counting time periods for Draconid potential outbur

Karl Antier karl.antier at laposte.net
Fri Oct 7 03:23:55 EDT 2011

Hi all,

It's approaching !
We will soon potentially enter the 21P/Giacobini-Zinner old trails...
As I intend to observe the expected outburst, I wanted to ask a question for both people who modelized the trails evolution, and those who calculates ZHRs from visual observations.

I first wanted to make 2 minutes period counts for the October 8th night, to try to be as precise as possible in watching the evolution of the outburst? is this a good option, or should I restrict the period to 1 minute to be even more acccurate ? Or should I extend it to 2.5 minutes to facilitate calculations of the ZHR (and thus be able to make ZHRs calculation every 5 minutes, for example).
I don't if my question is very clear... To summarize, what would be the best time period of counts for the expected draconid outburst on October 8th, taking into account accuracy of the data and easiness to compute them after?

Thanks in advance for your answers, and good luck to all!

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