(meteorobs) Anyone doing infrasound monitoring?

spacerocks at spaceballoon.org spacerocks at spaceballoon.org
Tue Apr 9 20:01:58 EDT 2013

(note: "human audible"referring to the component of a Shockwave/sonic boom grater than 20hz, the other component below would also be there)

Just so no one busts my chops about the definition of "infra" ;)

- Jodie


-----Original Message-----
From: Jodie Reynolds <spacerocks at spaceballoon.org>
To: Pat Branch <pat_branch at yahoo.com>
Cc: Meteor science and meteor observing <meteorobs at meteorobs.org>
Sent: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 16:46
Subject: Re: (meteorobs) Anyone doing infrasound monitoring?

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