(meteorobs) To: Dr. Tony Phillips

Thomas Ashcraft ashcraft at heliotown.com
Fri Nov 15 18:28:58 EST 2013

On 11/15/13 3:53 35000, Jay Salsburg wrote:
> I have no experience monitoring echoes reflected by Analog TV 
> transmitter, but I do have years experience monitoring echoes from the 
> NAVSPASUR transmitter, along with a good understanding of RADAR.
> I can guess the reflections off a TV Transmitter must be Doppler 
> noisy, even though strong reflections are possible, that reflection's 
> DOPPLER signal would be non monotonic or rather indistinct in 
> frequency. Also, I am guessing, it should be possible to discern the 
> attributes you mention in your post, but the signal return would not 
> be very frequency specific. Probably the only practical reason to use 
> an Analog TV Transmitter for forward scatter meteor detection would be 
> only for logging activity and not the character of the activity, at 
> least for automated logging.

I have a whole archive with hundreds of video specimens of meteors with 
forward scatter along with their radio spectrographs here:


Thomas Ashcraft  -  Heliotown  - New Mexico

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