(meteorobs) Very bright Colorado fireball

Chris Peterson clp at alumni.caltech.edu
Tue Oct 7 12:18:02 EDT 2014

Yesterday morning, we had a mag -12 event just a little west of Denver. 
The radiant suggests an Orionid, but the average speed of 44 km/s is a 
bit on the low side for that. The event was at 2014.10.06 UT 10:07:47. 
Duration 2.5s. Beginning height 123 km, ending height 35 km. Angle of 
descent 38° from vertical. Multiple fragmentations or terminal 
explosions. Terminal point near Fraser, CO, meaning high mountain 
country. I didn't see anything on the Denver doppler radar, which does 
cover all of the descent path.

I haven't had time to fully analyze this event or put together videos, 
but the still images are impressive.

 From Cloudbait Observatory: 

 From the Denver Museum of Nature and Science: 
http://www.cloudbait.com/meteor/data.php?recnum=64558 and 
http://www.cloudbait.com/meteor/data.php?recnum=64560 (caught as two 
events; note that the camera time is fast by 104 seconds).


Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

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