(meteorobs) The prediction of meteor showers from all potentialparent comets

Sergey Shanov shanov-2004 at yandex.ru
Fri Oct 17 09:31:54 EDT 2014

> This new paper - http://arxiv.org/abs/1410.1307 - may be of interest (have
> only read the abstract; summaries and thoughts about it welcome :-).
> Daniel

Major thank, Daniel, for the interesting reference. The link of the theory 
and observations is always interesting and is useful. Such major intervals 
of time not allow precisely to state, that 96P/Machholz AND 2003 EH1 at one 
time made a uniform body. The astronomer Kazimirchak-Polonskaya guessed, 
that gravitational perturbations of major planets not case, and frequently 
there are composite temporary projections of orbits. I think, that Roberto 
it had in view. I remember some other probable cases:

The comets-------------------T---------q----e---aop---node--i

003D-A Biela--------------1932,05,16 0.83 0.76 235.3 234.4 09.7
207P NEAT-----------------1932,02,01 0.96 0.75 254.0 218.3 10.9

014P Wolf-----------------1918,12,14 1.58 0.56 172.9 207.8 25.3
206P Barnard-Boattini-----1918,10,21 1.40 0.59 170.3 207.9 31.4

007P Pons-Winnecke--------1927,06,21 1.04 0.69 170.4  99.1 18.9
073P Schwassmann-Wachmann 1930,06,14 1.01 0.67 192.4  77.7 17.4

The astronomer Shestaka I.S. guessed, that Quadrantids and Ursids too are 
bound (interlinked)! He researched quazestacionary parameters of orbits, 
which vary more slowly, than elements of orbits.


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