(IAAC) Obj: NGC 5248 - Inst: 8" f/6 dob

Tom Campbell (via Lew Gramer) starborg at allencc.edu
Thu Jun 17 10:40:13 EDT 2004

Observer: Tom Campbell
Location: Iola, Kansas (Long: 95o24'W Lat: 37o55'N) 
Equipment: Discovery DHQ 8" dobsonian
Eyepieces: 1.25" Ploessls - 25mm (49x), 15mm (81x), 10mm (122x), 6mm (203x) 

Date/Time: 14 June 2004, 11:20pm CDT
Limiting Magnitude: 4.7 (near bright light dome)
Transparency: Clear (8/10)
Seeing: Stable (8/10) 
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Weather: Temperatures in the upper 70s. There was a little to no
 breeze. Relative humidity was very high.

Object(s): NGC 5248
Category: External galaxy.
Class: SAB(rs)bc I-II (catalog)
Constellation: Bootes
Data: mag 11.0, size 6.1'x4.4' (catalog)
Position: RA: 13h 37m 32s, Dec: +08o 53'

Finding this galaxy was a starhopping adventure. At this time, Bootes
was nearly over the county hospital, and the limiting magnitude was
about 4.7. I had to use a low-power eyepiece to find it. I started at
Eta, which was just visible through my Telrad. From there, I jumped to
70 Vir, and then 71 Vir. From there, I hopped sideways to the double
star Burnham 612, and then finally over to my target.
This galaxy was just barely detectable from my backyard. In fact, I
missed seeing it the first time I tried to locate it. The spiral
galaxy was fairly large and elongated. With direct vision, it almost
disappeared completely. Using averted vision, a nearly stellar core
was visible. The best view was at 88x, but no spiral structure was

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