(IAAC) Obj: NGC 3607 - Inst: Vixen 9x63 binoculars

anonymous at sedna.atmob.org anonymous at sedna.atmob.org
Thu Apr 14 16:03:05 EDT 2005


Observation Poster: Stéphane Meloche <stephanemeloche at videotron.ca>

Observer: Stéphane Meloche
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 2005/04/09 4h08 UT
Location of site: Ste-Catherine-de-Hatley, Québec, Canada (Lat 45.4542°, Elev 316 m)
Site classification: Exurban
Sky darkness: 5,2 <Limiting magnitude>
Seeing:  <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: Vixen 9x63 binoculars
Object(s): NGC 3607
Category: External galaxy.
Class: SA0
Constellation: Leo
Data: mag 9.9  size 4.6 x 4.1
Position: RA 11:17  DEC 18:03
In Leo, at ~ 2½° SE of Zosma (Leo Delta). The location of this object was difficult for lack of stars reference in this part of Leo. After several seconds of observation, the galaxy appears finally with averted vision. As it is very slightly luminous, it is impossible for me to see any details.
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