(IAAC) Obj: NGC5981, NGC5982, NGC5985 - Inst: 56CM, f:4.1 StarMaster Dob

anonymous at sedna.atmob.org anonymous at sedna.atmob.org
Sun May 8 12:53:14 EDT 2005


Observation Poster: James Anderson <madmoon at bellsouth.net>

Observer: James Anderson
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 08102002/0008ut
Location of site: The Scales, VA (Lat 36:43.2, Elev 81:28.3)
Site classification: Rural
Sky darkness: 8/10 <1-10 Scale (10 best)>
Seeing: 7/10 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: 56CM, f:4.1 StarMaster Dob
Magnification: 220X
Filter(s): None
Object(s): NGC5981, NGC5982, NGC5985
Category: Group of galaxies.
Class: See below:
Constellation: Dra
Data: mag XXX  size XXX
Position: RA XX:XX  DEC XX:XX
220X - NGC5981; Galaxy, 13.9p, Class Sc, Size 3.1' x 0.6', PA=140*, 
RA=15:36.6, Dec=+59:23.4 It appears as a faint long thin featurless glow with a
10.7mag star off the northern end.

220X - NGC5982; Galaxy, 12.0p, Class E3,Size 5.5' x 1.8', PA=110*, 
RA=15:36.6, Dec=+59:19.9 It appears as a near round oval spot that is diffuse
at the edge becoming progressively brighter toward the center, otherwise

220X - NGC5985; Galaxy, 11.9p, Class SAB, Size 5.5' x 2.9', PA=09*
RA=15:39.6, Deec=+59:19.9 It appears as a moderately bright oval area. The halo
shows spiral structure wrapping CCW in reversed FOV. There are 2 arms across
the northern end and only one arm across the southern end. The halo brightens
to a small dense oval core without any evidence of nucleus. Ther are 2 other
DSO's streaming tot he west in order, NGC5982, NGC5981.
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