
Magnitude estimates


It's a good idea to find on star charts and in the sky various stars to use
as reference points for meteor magnitude estimates. Most beginners will over
estimate meteor magnitudes...this is something that will be gained with
experience. After awhile, you will acquire a "feel" for various magnitudes
without looking at stars.  I often refresh my mind several times during the
night by consciously looking for various stars of known magnitudes to
reinforce my "feel". You won't be  a hundred percent all the time, but close
enough to have useful data. The more meteors, the more it averages
out...sorta like baseball batting averages.  That is the more times at bat,
the less the average will change. Also don't worry yourself too much with
half magnitudes.  Whole magnitudes will do just fine. You'll know you are in
the ball park when your sporadic average magnitude is somewhere from +2.0 to
+3.0...assuming your LM is around 6.0. 