
Re: (meteorobs) hypered films for meteor photography?

Re: Hypered films for meteor photography.

I have discussed this with Jurgen Rendtel not long ago.  He has tried it and
experienced lots of fogging.  It does fog very easily.  If you don't develop
it immediately on getting home from observing...expect fog...the longer the
wait...the greater the fog.  Also, it's hypered freshness is
unreliable...that is you may have a roll of hypered film stored in the
freezer and if it's about a month old, it may not be as effective...or not
react the same as say a fresh roll.  I use to use hypered tech pan for all my
deep sky photo work and it's great for them, but on some nights the roll may
not be as fresh and you will run into fog problems in a hurry. After the film
is hypered, you must store it in a freezer until use...and soon.  If the air
is warm, the Hyperedness in it will dissipate.  If you order hypered
film...particular during the summer months, it takes a few days to reach
you...meanwhile the film is  at best in  room temperature...the quality is
less than right from the hypering tank. 

 when you do meteor work...most of your f/stops will be at around 1.4 to 2.8.
 At these f stops, hypered film can be fogged in a big hurry. I remember
fogging Hypered 2415 Tech pan film after about 15 minutes at about
f/1.4...too much of a hit and miss thing to use for metoer work in my
opinion. If there is any moon out at all...you're screwed. 

I tried Light hypering my film (preflashing the film with a strobe light)for
a few rolls about a year or two ago.  I definitely could tell a difference
and it is workable...but a big pain to preflash  and re roll the film to the
exact spot without splitting frames ...that is gettin half of two frames
being exposed for meteor work.  I guess with a lot of concentration as to
what you are doing it can be done with no real problem, but what a pain. 
George Z.