
(meteorobs) video techniques for meteor detection

George wrote:

> I recalled reading an article not long
> ago about constructing an affordable meteor video recording system for around
> several thousand dollars...affordable to whom?

WGN published a white paper that I wrote a year ago in trying to get NASA
funding for an automated video meteor detection system.  They took the
paper as it was originally written as a proposal for an meteor observatory
of sorts.  The thrust was not directed towards amateur meteor astronomers,
but to set up an accurate recording system that could be used by
professionals.  So, "affordable" is a relative term here.  I tried to size
the cost of the system trading off limiting magnitude, field of view,
portability, and automation.  For a good system the cost came in under
$10000 which I fully agree is pricey for an amateur, but not a professional
interested in doing accurate measurements.  Half that cost was in the image
intensifier, with the remaining going towards a fast PC and frame grabber
board.  Since the article was written over a year ago,  PC costs have
dropped and run far faster so that real time processing is in reach for far
less cost.  The intensifiers have not dropped significantly in price
however.   One can trade off frame grabber accuracy,  intensifier
capability (ie limiting magnitude and more noise) for a lot cheaper system
but then detectability is reduced to the level of visual observers or
worse.  My goal was to build a system that could exceed visual observers in
detection threshhold and accuracy to more accurately monitor weak and minor
meteor shower activity.  Sorry if I inadvertantly offended anyone that we
all could afford such systems.  Personally I have been trying to obtain the
necessary components over the year since my company wouldn't pay for an
IR&D project to do a proof of concept.  To that end I have just arranged
with Kitt Peak National Observatory to set up on their mountain to video
tape the Perseid shower next week.  I am hoping for clearer skies than here
in Virginia.

Pete G.