
(meteorobs) Perseid max from Norway

Norway was partly clouded during maximum, being on the edge between a
high and low pressure weather system.
I'm sorry haven't got any hard facts to communicate yet.  Our first
impression is that the rates of bright meteors (mag <2) picked up
considerably around 00.30 UT and declined less than an hour later.
Around 00.45 UT the limiting magnitude drops below 6.0 (twilight),
drowning the fainter meteors and adding uncertainty to the results.

Marco Langbroek wrote:
>> Scandinavia has nice weather, but also midnight Sun at this moment....
Sure, and polar bears in the streets...  Now, give us a brake!  We can
observe at least 3 hours from 60N, and 4 hours from 58N (with Lm>6.0).
The Perseids brought some public confusion with UFO's even in mid-Norway
(63.5N).  However the night sky is too bright for serious observation
at that latitude.
This year saw jolly comfortable night temperatures, by the way, it was
around +10 C at its lowest.
It's a pity you didn't head for southern Sweden, my friend, you would
probably have had clear skies there.

>> We just regret that we were not born on the Canary Islands. Or that
>> we had taken another hobby as a little child, like playing chess or
>> singing in a church choir.
My fellow north-west European; time to get yourself a better hobby!
Find something that puts less strain on the heart.
Start takin' out street lamps with shot gun.

-- Trond Erik Hillestad, NAS Meteor Section

(Who had great fun reading about the struggles of the DMS.
I guess I recognized quite a few points in those stories.)