
(meteorobs) beta Cetids

Bob, you wrote:
'The Pisces-Aries were first noticed by Felix Martinez during one of his
marathon observing sessions in Florida. The Cetids may be the same
shower mentioned by Tim Cooper as the Beta Cetids. I have seen activity
from these radiants every August but have concentrated on the Perseids.'

The details I have for the beta Cetids are:
Radiant RA=008°, Dec -18°
Active from Jul 29 to Aug 14
Maximum Aug 8

I got this from a working list of southern showers from Jeff Wood, and also
Sky and Telescope mentioned them in the March 93 issue, p119.

Looking back in my records, they seem to be active each year, are fast,
white meteors and I have a mean magnitude about 2.5.

Also I have seen activity from around alpha Sculptoris (about 15°, -30°)
during Perseid watches this year and in 1993, but probably this is too far
south for you to observe. 

I'd be interested in what you find from your plots.

Tim Cooper