
(meteorobs) FWD: Perseids on 1996 Aug 11/12 from B"uhle, Updated ZHRs



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Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 09:25:44 +0200
From: Detlef Koschny <KOSCHNY@pgate2.mpae.gwdgdot de>
To: imo-news@tu-chemnitzdot de
Cc: jrendtel@aipdot de, 100114.1361@compuservedot com
Subject: Perseids on 1996 Aug 11/12 from B"uhle, Updated ZHRs

Dear all,

I updated the ZHRs, now determined with calculated radiant elevations.
Maximum values were close to 180 around Aug 12, 01h30m.

Intervall   T_eff F   lm   Per kCg Aqu Cap Spo ZHR HR remarks
20h44-21h13 0.48 4(!) 5.5  2   0   0   0   0   =   =  bad data, clouds!
23h09-23h41 0.53 1.14 5.5  11  0   0   0   3   71  15
00h21-00h57 0.60 1    5.5  31  0   0   0   4   142 20
00h58-01h42 0.68 1    5.5  45  1   2   0   3   177 13
01h43-02h14 0.52 1    5.5  28  1   0   0   2   141 12

Note 1: n/a
Note 2: The r-value of the Perseids was assumed to be 2.6
Note 3: Compared to other observers, I am known to give a lower limiting
magnitude. Thus, the ZHR values might well be on the high side.

Intervall = start and end time of interval in UT

T_eff = effective observing time in hours
F = cloud cover correction factor
lm = limiting mag, determined by counting stars in IMO's reference
Per = no. of observed Perseids
kCg = no. of observed Kappa Cygnids
Aqu = no. of observed Aquarids (N/S etc. not distinguished)
Cap = no. of observed Capricornids
Spo = no. of observed sporadics
ZHR = ZHR of the Perseids
HR = hourly rate of sporadics (no zenith correction, r = 3)

Detlef Koschny

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