
(meteorobs) FWD: Re: automated meteor observation entry?

This one is definitely NOT old news. In fact, Mark and George (and Jim 
Richardson) take note!


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Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 16:28:39 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Jean-Marc Wislez <JeanMarc.Wislez@rug.acdot be>
To: IMO-News Mailing List <imo-news@tu-chemnitzdot de>
Subject: Re: automated meteor observation entry?

> In a recent post to the 'meteorobs' mailing list, Marc Neijts mentioned that 
> IMO at one time had drawn up plans, and even a prototype of a hand-held device 
> and software to automate registering and upload of visual meteor observations.

This makes me think of the possibility of electronic *submission* of
visual observations.  I had a discussion about this while preparing my
recent Perseid observations for submission to IMO.  I however do not know
very much about the current practices in the reduction of visual meteor
observations, so some ideas I have may be wrong or pointless. 

The idea is to define a standard for electronic submission to the VMDB. 
This could strongly reduce the time needed by IMO-officials for typing in
all observations, and make time available for more thorough reduction of
the observations.  Furthermore, all data about the individual meteors
could be submitted, permitting a greater flexibility at reduction time (as
far as I know, the possibilities for reduction are severely bound by the
time intervals used by the observers while calculating magnitude
distributions).  Of course, people wanting to send in observations on
paper should still be allowed to do so.

Any reactions ?

					Kind regards,
					Jean-Marc Wislez.

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