
Re: (meteorobs) Re: perception and DCV

Lew asked:

>Is 10o accurate enough, as Norm suggested? Also, it seems like it 
>might be a little tricky to remember exactly WHERE I was looking, since my
>and head jerk reflexively toward the meteor whenever I see one. Any tips here?

I would think the 10o accuracy is sufficient, however I "strive" for 5o
accuracy, but do not always achieve it. In those instances, I do what Norman
sorta mentioned, ie round to the nearest 10 degrees. Without looking at my
data, I would guess-timate I achive 5o about 30-35% of the time.(?)

As for tips, I have found personally that much depends on my alertness [as
if you didn't know that already ;)] so what I do is try to name the stars in
my head that I am the closest to as I "watch" the sky. (Does this make
sense?) This helps me learn starnames as well as stay awake and is similar
to what I believe Wayne mentioned one time that he does to learn the
constellations as they rise in the east.

Bob, can you provide any more tips?

Mark Davis
MeteorObs@charlestondot net