
(meteorobs) Radiant Positions: 10/96 to 3/97

Below is listed the IMO radiant positions for the period October 1996 to
March 1997. Observers are urged to use this list when planning observing
The positions for specific showers are listed immediately beneath the
shower's three-letter code.

Mark Davis
NAMN Coordinator
                                Active           Maximum
Delta Aurigids (DAU):      Sep. 05 - Oct. 10     Sep. 09
Draconids (GIA):           Oct. 06 - Oct. 10     Oct. 10
Epsilon Geminids (EGE):    Oct. 14 - Oct. 27     Oct. 20
Orionids (ORI):            Oct. 02 - Nov. 07     Oct. 21
Southern Taurids (STA):    Oct. 01 - Nov. 25     Nov. 03
Northern Taurids (NTA):    Oct. 01 - Nov. 25     Nov. 13
Leonids (LEO):             Nov. 14 - Nov. 21     Nov. 18
Alpha Monocerotids (AMO):  Nov. 15 - Nov. 25     Nov. 20
Chi Orionids (XOR):        Nov. 26 - Dec. 15     Dec. 02
Dec. Phoenicids (PHO):     Nov. 28 - Dec. 09     Dec. 05
Puppid/Velids (PUP):       Dec. 01 - Dec. 15     Dec. 06
Dec. Monocerotids (MON):   Nov. 27 - Dec. 17     Dec. 10
Sigma Hydrids (HYD):       Dec. 03 - Dec. 15     Dec. 11
Geminids (GEM):            Dec. 07 - Dec. 17     Dec. 14
Coma Berenicids (COM):     Dec. 12 - Jan. 23     Dec. 19
Ursids (URS):              Dec. 17 - Dec. 26     Dec. 22
Quadrantids (QUA):         Jan. 01 - Jan. 05     Jan. 03
Delta Cancrids (DCA):      Jan. 01 - Jan. 24     Jan. 17
Alpha Centaurids (ACE):    Jan. 28 - Feb. 21     Feb. 07
Delta Leonids (DLE):       Feb. 15 - Mar. 10     Feb. 24
Gamma Normids (GNO):       Feb. 25 - Mar. 22     Mar. 13
Virginids (VIR):           Jan. 25 - Apr. 15     Mar. 24

          NTA      STA      ORI      DAU
Oct 05  025 +12  027 +07  085 +14  089 +49             GIA
    10  029 +14  031 +08  088 +15  095 +49           262 +54
    15  034 +16  035 +09  091 +15             EGE
    20  038 +17  039 +11  094 +16           099 +27
    25  043 +18  043 +12  098 +16           104 +27
    30  047 +20  047 +13  101 +16           109 +27
Nov 05  053 +21  052 +14  105 +17
    10  058 +22  056 +15             LEO      AMO
    15  062 +23  060 +16           150 +23  113 -05
    20  067 +24  064 +16    XOR    153 +21  117 -06
    25  072 +24  069 +17  075 +23           121 -07    MON      PUP      PHO
    30                    080 +23    HYD             091 +08  120 -45  014 -52
Dec 05    COM      GEM    085 +23  122 +03           096 +08  122 -45  018 -53
    10  169 +27  108 +33  090 +23  126 +02           100 +08  125 -45  022 -53
    15  173 +26  113 +33  094 +23  130 +01    URS    104 +08  128 -45
    20  177 +24  118 +32    DCA             217 +75
Jan 00  186 +20    QUA    112 +22
    05  190 +18  231 +49  116 +22
    10  194 +17           121 +21
    20  202 +13           130 +19    ACE      VIR
    30                             200 -57  157 +16    DLE
Feb 10                             214 -60  165 +10  155 +20    GNO
    20                             225 -63  172 +06  164 +18  225 -53
    28                                      178 +03  171 +15  234 -52
Mar 10                                      186  00  180 +12  245 -51
    20                                      192 -03           256 -50
    30                                      198 -05