
(meteorobs) Observing This Week

-- [ From: Robert Lunsford * EMC.Ver #2.5.1 ] --

For those who plan to watch for possible activity from the Aries-
Triangulum region this week be aware that the Delta Aurigids are active
from a nearby radiant. On the morning of the 12th the radiant position
for the DAU's will be RA 63 (4:12) +47.  This area lies between the
bright star Capella and the brightest star in Perseus (Mirfak or Alpha
Persei). These meteors are swift with a velocity of 64 km/sec. A good
percentage of these meteors should produce trains. If you see a possible
AT, make sure the path does not lead back to this area. If it does then
I would call it a DAU, especially if your velocity estimate is a 4 or 5.

Also remember that the closer one looks to a radiant, the slower the
APPARENT velocity will be. Someone looking at the radiant could see the
shower members with an average speed of 3 while someone who centers
their field of view 30-40 degrees distant will average a 4.  I believe
this is due to the fact that meteors seen near the radiant are moving in
the general direction of the observer and therefore forshortened while
those seen further out are moving in a more perpendicular angle. 
If anyone wishes to correct me on this please feel free to do so.

Best Wishes for Clear Skies!

Bob Lunsford