
(meteorobs) Gorgeous NTA!

Last night my club held a public star party at my usual Pink Sky Site. I had an 
early morning at work this morning, so no observing to report, but I DID manage 
to catch a lovely, loooong -1 magnitude North Taurid while breaking down my 20".

Beginning in eastern Cyg as a mag 1 white meteor, it crossed into Lyr, covering 
roughly 40o during at least SEVEN seconds, and then ended in a short -1 burst 
with a beautiful stand-out cyan/blue color (very rare for me). A pale blue wake 
was just barely glimpsed as I turned away to check my watch: 0225 UT.

Kind of strange to be able to exclaim "Whoa! LOOOOOK at that!" and have people 
around you actually look up in time to SEE something! :)

This would hardly be worthy of reporting to the IMO, of course, but every once 
in a while, often when you're not expecting it, an event like this occurs and 
reminds you why you watch meteors. Clear skies all!
