
Re: (meteorobs) sleep/meteor observing

G Zay writes on 10/27/96 at 12:31pm:
  If you want to do any of this sleep study ....

     I was half-heartily kidding.  Don't know who would pay for that kind of
  study.  I have done field (EEG) sleep studies before, though.  On
  interstate truck drivers (in both St Louis and in Montrael).  It was quite
  amazing to obtain EVIDENCE that these guys were technically sleeping (i.e.
  periods of brief sleep episodes)  WHILST driving a big-rig 60+ mph down the
  interstate!  Anyway, I'll do some fact-finding and consulting with
  colleagues this next week re: the problem (and solution) to maximizing ones
  alertness overnite.

     A napping stratagy may or may not work for most observers.  The thing is
  that for a planned 1-night observation,  adaptation may be difficult.
  The human system has much trouble with that kind of radical and quick shift
  in sleep/wake pattern and boiological rhythm.  However, I am interested
  in the idea of, say, a pre-planned multiple day observation.  In this case,
  one can most definitely instigate prepatory counter-measures to shift the
  body clock and sleep/wake schedule such that, when the meteor observing
  commences, you have optimal alertness.

    Just came across an article in SLEEP (THE Sleep research journal, pub'ed
  out of Stanford) from 1993: 

    Akerstedt T, Hume K, Minors D & Waterhouse.  Regulation of Sleep and Naps
  on an Irregular Schedule.  SLEEP 16(8):736-743.

    I will read this thoroughly and see if I can glean anything useful from
  it.  The problem with a napping stratagy is that most people don't know WHEN
  to take one.  For a nap to really be 'functional', it must be correctly
  placed within the 24-hr clock.  For example, I know of 4 recent studies that
  clearly demonstrate naps don't help much when placed at the wrong time
  of day.  Reason:  Circadian rhythmicity strongly interferes with attempted
  sleep.  Result: Lack of the restorative power of the nap.

    Anyway, yes, I lovethe ZAY observatory and yes I will be looking forward
  to meeting you in November.  haven't made formal obs plans but will do so
