
Re: (meteorobs) meteor duration estimates

Ahhh, the secret Meteor Observers language revealed :-> :->
Wayne, who failed German in 7th grade.
Original Text
From: Sirko Molau <sirko.molau@informatik.tu-chemnitzdot de>, on 10/30/96 4:43 
To: "MeteorObs" <meteorobs@latradedot com>

Sorry for the last mail.
It was meant to be a private reply to Rainer, but was accidently sent to
the mailing list. 8-)
Cheers, Sirko

*           Sirko Molau             *                    __              *  
*          Str.246 Nr.16            *             " 2B v 2B "            * 
*          D-13086 Berlin           *                                    * 
*   smo@informatik.tu-chemnitzdot de   *                       Shakespeare  *
*   http://www.tu-chemnitzdot de/~smo  *                                    *