
(meteorobs) Leonid data

Subj:  Leonids report
Date:  96-11-17 16:27:43 EST
From:  TPrinty         

Observing from Chiefland, Fla in mixed weather. Low clouds occasionally
interfered but we had about a 85-90% clear sky for most of the morning.
Folllowing is synopsis of results.  ZS was +6.4 for the entire time.  Best
event was at 9:49:30 UT when a brilliant flash was oberved by us near
Cassiopea. Sky was lit up as bright as full moon (estimate magnitude of
meteor (leonid) to be -12 but when they get this bright it is hard to tell.
 Train lasted in excess of 6 minutes.  LOTS OF FIREBALLS!!!!See magnitude
distribution below.  Will upload images this evening of some of my best shots
into astro archives.  Now for the summary

0613-0702                             2               2               14
0745-0845                             8               3               22
0845-0920                             2               6               15
0930-1030                             1               3               34
1030-1040                             0               0                9

Magnitudes dist of leonids
-12 = 1
-8   = 1
-7   = 1
-6   = 3
-5   = 2
-4   = 7
-3   = 7
-2   = 7
-1   = 7
0    = 5
+1  = 15
+2  = 11
+3  = 23
+4  = 2
+5  = 1

Number of Leonids leaving trains = 59  => 62.8%

A good display.  The lion did not roar but it definitely growled and cleared
its throat!!!!!!!

Tim Printy