
(meteorobs) Leonids Nov 17/18 Screeeech!

I recorded meteor activity last night Nov 17/18, 1996 under clear
skies for 5.23 Teff hours.  Leonid Activity has dramatically 
dropped off compared to the previous night. I recorded a total 
of 69 meteors of which 25 were Leonids.  the brightest meteors
were a pair of -1 Leonids. Data is below:
All times in U.T.

Period       Teff   F  LM    LEO  NTA  STA  SPOR
7h19-8h28    1.0    1  6.05   1    2    0     3
8h28-9h36    1.0    1  6.1    4    2    2     5
9h36-10h45   1.0    1  6.1    8    3    3     6
10h45-11h52  1.0    1  6.1    8    0    0     5
11h52-13h11  1.23   1  5.63   4    1    0     12

LEO = 25
NTA = 8
STA = 5
Spor = 31

Total = 69


LEO: (-1)2, (0)4, (+1)6, (+2)7, (+3)4, (+4)2
MEAN = 1.52

NTA: (+1)1, (+2)4, (+3)3
MEAN: 2.25

STA: (+2)2, (+3)2, (+4)1
MEAN: 2.8

SPOR: (0)2, (+1)2, (+2)6, (+3)7, (+4)11, (+5)3
MEAN: 3.03

George Zay
Descanso, Calif.