


DATE   TIME (UT)           NTA       LEO        SPOR       ZLM    CLOUD
13     12:00 - 14:00       05                   08         5.6    nil
15     12:00 - 14:00       04                   10         5.5    nil
15     14:00 - 16:00                 04         11         5.8    nil
16     10:00 - 14:00       05                   19         5.7    nil
16     14:00 - 16:00                 07         10         5.6    nil
17     10:00 - 14:00       04                   20         5.7    nil
17     14:00 - 16:00                 14         11         5.8    nil
4 days     18 hours        18        25         89

115 days   593 hours    946 shower    2353 sporadics     3299 meteors

CODE      -3     -2     -1     0     +1     +2     +3     +4
NTA                            1      1      6      3      2
LEO                            1      3      6      7      4
SPOR       1             2     5      7     15     16     13
           1             2     7     11     27     26     19

COMMENT:- November 1996 has to be perhaps the most unproductive month
for meteor observing that I can remember! There is forecast, torrential
rain and gales for the next 5 days in a row, and a waxing crescent moon
to boot. HOping for better conditions for the Geminids next month.

Took Tereska out to the WAS Star Party, but only 4 cars turned up, and
no-one had the keys to the observatory, so we went back to Wellington
and got out my telescope, and looked at the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and
some southern circumpolar objects for about an hour.

Tereska saw her first artificial satellite the other night.... possibly
Mir passing over NZ... she has great eyesight! We went to the Xmas
parade in Wellington on saturday, preceeded by a wonderful
electronic organ recital. I graduate from my 20 week Work Based
Training Course (WBT) on Monday. Tereska is coming to my graduation,
them we are having a celebration lunch at Valentines restaurant.
Tereska is doing fine since coming out of hospital a  few weeks ago,
and has had no further problems. I've had dinner with her Mum twice
in the last week, and have shown her through my telescope. I hope to
take Tereska one early morning to one of my meteor sights.... maybe
we might see a fireball.

I have seen plenty of fireballs in the last two months, and am
chasing up reports of others seen in Wellington recently.

George Zay commented a while ago about the predominance of certain
clours of fireballs seen my various meteor observers. An explantion
about MY CLOURS might be in order....
I see a lot of yellow fireballs because some 80 percent never get
brighter than Mv -6. They are usually of moderate speed... generally
10 -15 degrees per second. The brighter faster ones are of course
white, and in extreme cases... even blue. George has obviously
guiven  the topic some serious thought. I suspect (but have not yet
statistically proven) that MOST fireballs follow a Magnitude-Colour
relationship.... I certainly see more fireballs trhan perhaps
anybody else, because I spend more TIME out there observing, than
anybody else, so VERY FEW slip past me!  I also suspect that the
incidence of fireballs is fairly even throught the land areas of the
globe....to I hear a lively discussion coming on?

FINALLY:- My e-mail "bin" has hen

                              logged up with over 10,500 messages and no
more can get on until, the mail-box is cleared of old messages...that
might take a few days to get someone to help me "kill" the old stuff off
to make more room. Have lost 5 kilos in the last two months, can now fit
a size mens tea-shirt again.

Bye for now, and may your skies be clearer than mine, lately. Good Luck
Bob with your election to IMO Council!  Hurrah!!!