
(meteorobs) Leaving Town

Well I am on the road once again as a family emergency is taking me to
Virginia. My plans are to pull a meteor observer shift...sleep this evening
and leave in the early am tomorrow. At the moment, I expect to return this
coming Monday, but that is not definite yet.

This will result in a delay in my answering the email in my inbox. But as
usual, I will get back with everyone as soon as possible after my return. If
anyone has any questions on observing, NAMN, ALPO, IMO, etc. in the
meantime, please contact Bob Lunsford who will be available to help out. His
address is:

LUNRO.IMO.USA@prodigydot com

I look forward to catching up on all the news when I return.

Best wishes,

Mark Davis
NAMN Coordinator
MeteorObs@charlestondot net